President's Welcome

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Rev. Prof. Michael Mullaney

Rev. Prof. Michael Mullaney


Welcome to the website of St Patrick's Pontifical University.

St Patrick's is justly proud of its long-standing tradition of commitment to high quality instruction and student service provided by a responsive faculty, formation team and administrative staff. Many of our alumni and current students alike cite close interaction with faculty members as hallmarks of their educational experience at Maynooth. The Pontifical University on foot of its ongoing professional quality assurance process is redoubling its efforts to put in place an environment of excellence for undergraduates and postgraduates in every dimension of student life and learning. Our commitment to each student is to deliver a high quality third and fourth level educational experience that is at once academically challenging and personally supportive.

St Patrick's seeks to provide its students and seminarians with a solid academic foundation, a strong spiritual base and a value-added research and recreational environment capable of generating graduates who are equipped with the requisite knowledge and leadership skills to excel in their career fields or vocational callings. Studying at Maynooth, whether for a number of years or just a semester, is truly a time of rich opportunity for intellectual, personal, spiritual and human development.

As we work and study, all of us; faculty and staff, seminarians and students, are on a journey of faith, discovery, leadership and community. Our common goal is the education and formation of leaders: for the church, our country, our communities, the professions and a myriad of different walks of life. Let us make the most of this piece of the road that we will share together!

I am looking forward to serving you and would like to thank you again for making St Patrick's your university.

Reverend Professor Michael Mullaney


  • In 2019 Rev Prof. Michael Mullaney was elected as President of the Administrative Board of The Federation of European Catholic Universities or, in French, Fédération des Universités Catholiques Européennes (FUCE), which was created in 1991 as a regional daughter organisation of IFCU (the International Federation of Catholic Universities).

Other members of the board, include representatives from the Lebennon, Italy, France and the Ukraine. For further details about FUCE, see


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