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Your SPPU Application

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Congratulations on your decision to apply to Maynooth!

Your application to our programmes will depend on the category of applicant to which you belong and what you might desire to become. Do you intend to become take undergraduate studies or postgraduate research? Are you interested in ministerial leadership? Is your desired programme an evening course?

First, you may need to read our Step-by-Step Guide.



Applicants under 23 on 1st January of the year of proposed entry must meet matriculation requirements as follows (see further down for GCE/GCSE matriculation requirements):

  • Leaving Certificate with a minimum of two recognised subjects at Higher Level Grade H7 and four at Ordinary or Higher Level Grade O6/H7.
  • Matriculation subjects: Irish, English and another language.
  • The subject Mathematics (Leaving Certificate Foundation level) will be accepted for matriculation purposes, but points will not be awarded for it.
  • The subject Gaeilge – Bonnleibhéal (Irish – Foundation Level) will not be accepted for matriculation or points purposes.

Once you have made the decision to study theology with us at undergraduate level, in other words, if you have chosen to study either MU001 (Theology and Arts) or MU002 (Theology), you must apply through the CAO. The CAO is the Central Applications Office in Galway.

Application literature is available from second-level schools or from CAO, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway.

Applicants may also apply online at:

E-mail: To email CAO you must use the “contact us” facility on the CAO website:

Tel. 00353 – (0)91 – 509800

Fax. 00353 – (0)91 – 562344

An application fee is applicable when applying through the CAO.

This is a college and university admissions scheme which offers places on reduced points and extra college support to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. HEAR Applicants must meet a range of financial, social and cultural indicators to be considered for a reduced points place and extra college support.

Click Here for More Information

This is a college and university admissions scheme which offers places on reduced points to school leavers with disabilities. DARE is for school leavers who have the ability to benefit from and succeed in higher education, but who may not be able to meet the points for their preferred course due to the impact of a disability or ongoing illness.

Click Here for More Information

All Deferral applicants must reapply through the CAO.

Applications from EU candidates for admission to our undergraduate programmes are assessed in exactly the same way as those from Irish students, i.e. solely on the basis of academic merit. In addition, applicants who are native speakers of languages other than English must satisfy English language requirements.

EU candidates applying for admission to the Baccalaureate in Theology and the Baccalaureate in Theology and Arts programmes must apply through the Central Applications Office. Such applicants are strongly advised to familiarise themselves with CAO application procedures before submitting their applications.

Admission for International / Non-EU candidates

International/Non-Eu applicants do not apply through the CAO. International/Non-Eu applicants must apply directly to the University. See link below for application form.

SPPU International Application Form 2022 2023

SPPU International Students - Medical Insurance

If you are 23 years of age or over on 1st January in the year of proposed entry, and you do not fulfil ordinary entry requirements, you may apply for matriculation on the basis of mature years. In other words, you can apply for one of our courses as a mature applicant even though you may not have completed a Leaving Certificate.

Applications are processed through the CAO, by 1st February. Late applications will be accepted up until the CAO late application closing date of 1st May.

Please contact the Admissions Office before submitting a late application or before entering our courses on your CAO application using the Change of Mind Facility after 1st May. An application fee is applicable when applying through the CAO. All mature applicants will be interviewed.

For more information on applying as a mature student, contact the relevant area below:
For Undergraduate queries, please contact us by

Phone: +353 (0)1 708 4772 Email:

For Postgraduate queries, please contact us by

Phone: +353 (0)1 708 3391 Email:

For queries about Professional Programmes at the Centre for Mission & Ministries, please contact us by

Phone: +353 (0)1 708 4778 Email:


All mature applicants are invited for interview.

Click Here for More Information

In the case of candidates from outside the Republic of Ireland (26 counties) who have applied for and been granted exemption in the subject Irish, Matriculation requirements may be satisfied by matriculating in English, Irish and four other subjects accepted for Matriculation Registration purposes, provided faculty requirements are otherwise satisfied. (This provision is relevant to students from Northern Ireland, and to other students from outside Ireland who present Irish as a subject).

Points will be calculated on the basis of:

  • 4 subjects at A Level or
  • 3 subjects at A Level or
  • 3 subjects at A Level plus a different fourth subject at AS Level.

All subjects carry equal points and points for A-Level grades must be obtained at one sitting. The AS Level must be in a different subject to those taken at A-Level and may be carried over from the previous year. Matriculation and course requirements may be satisfied by an accumulation of subjects over more than one year

An additional 25 points will be awarded for one Grade E or better in A2 Mathematics – this will apply to one Mathematics subject only and only if the subject is used for scoring purposes.

GCE LC Points equivalence from 2010:

GradeA LevelAS Level

GCE LC Points equivalence prior to 2010:

GradeA LevelAS Level

Please note that there may be other course requirements, depending on the Arts subjects chosen in relation to the Theology and Arts degree (MU001).

The following arrangements will apply to the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) Link Modules:

  • points will be awarded as follows: 70 points for a distinction, 50 points for a merit, and 30 points for a pass.
  • applicants will have the opportunity to use their points allocation for the Link Modules as one of their six subjects for the purposes of calculating points.
  • the Link Modules will not qualify as a subject for matriculation purposes.

Applicants who satisfy the above requirements are placed in order of merit on the basis of the common points system, and places are allocated according to the highest preference, in their application through CAO, to which their points entitle them.

After the close of the CAO season (mid-October) first year students registered on one of our undergraduate degree programmes may apply for an internal transfer.

Applicants must:

  • complete an application form outlining the reason for the request.
  • meet the entry requirements for the course.
  • have the required points.

Application forms are available from the Pontifical University Office.

There is no guarantee that a request for a transfer will be granted.

GCE/GCSE Matriculation Requirements.

To matriculate an applicant must obtain:

  • Passes in six recognised subjects at GCSE (Grade A, B, or C) or AS Level (Grades A-E) or A-level (Grades A-E)


Grade C or better in two subjects at A-level (AE or BD is regarded as equivalent to two Grade C’s for this purpose). In all cases, applicants require at least GCSE Grade C in English. In addition, passes in Irish and a third language at GCSE/AS Level/A-Level are required. However, eligibility for exemption from Irish may be claimed from:

The Registrar, National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

Telephone: 00353-(0)1-439 2424

Postgraduate & Centre for Mission & Ministries programmes

Full list of courses and how to apply can be found here Applications are being accepted through PAC

All documentation can be uploaded to your application form on PAC. The application forms are for both EU and Non-EU/International applicants.

Further Information:

Online / Part Time Courses

Perhaps you are interested in something that works around your timetable or furthers your career.

We have partly-online programmes that only require attendance on campus one weekend a month. See our Higher Diploma in Theological Studies, and diplomas in Church Music and in Liturgy.

There are also online short courses in ethics, leadership and pastoral care.

A Taste of What We Do

You may prefer to experience of our teaching and learning without the responsibilities of assignments and deadlines. You are welcome to audit our modules. Please contact for further information. In order to apply, please download the Occasional Student Application Form

Applicants can choose modules from the following programmes: Baccalaureate in Theology and Arts (BATh); Baccalaureate in Theology (BTh) and Baccalaureate in Divinity (BD).

Applicants may choose some postgraduate modules, subject to availability and/or agreement with the relevant lecturer. Please note that some modules may change for the next academic year.

Modules can be taken for audit or for credit. There is a fee per module.

Occasional students do not graduate from the University. On completion, students are given a statement of results for all examinations they pass.

For information about the modules on offer, please see the current Kalendarium

In order to apply, please download the Occasional Studies Application Form

For further information contact the Admissions Office,

Admissions Office

Read our Terms and Conditions before registering.

For information on admissions, please contact the relevant area below:

For Undergraduate queries, please contact us by

Phone: +353 (0)1 708 4772 Email:

For Postgraduate queries, please contact us by

Phone: +353 (0)1 708 3391 Email:

For queries about programmes at the Centre for Mission & Ministries, please contact us by

Phone: +353 (0)1 708 4778 Email: