Centre for Mission & Ministries

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CMM In Person in Maynooth

The Centre for Mission and Ministries offers a range of pastoral programmes that form people for ministry in Ireland and elsewhere. Our combined focus on placement-based learning, theological reflection on ministry practice, and academic study of theology and ministry issues, is a real strength of our programmes in preparing learners for pastoral ministry.

CMM Online

Our online programmes include options for: Professional Short Course Programmes offering Accredited Qualifications Ongoing faith formation for those in ministry in parishes and dioceses in Ireland Scripture-based faith enrichment courses

Centre for Mission & Ministries Prospectus

Access our prospectus here for information about our various programmes in Pastoral Theology Healthcare Chaplaincy Theological Studies Pastoral Liturgy Christian Communications & Media Practice Liturgical Music Youth Ministry & Spirituality Diaconate Studies

Centre for Mission & Ministries

The St Patrick’s Pontifical University Centre for Mission and Ministries, located within the Faculty of Theology, exists to advance the participation of the Irish Church in the Missio Dei for the 21st Century.

It fosters the life and mission of the church by attending to its pastoral practice, liturgical celebration, and reflective heart.

The work of the Centre has a three-fold focus • practical theology • integrated formation, and • interdisciplinary research.

Its activities are rooted in ongoing scholarship and a creative responsiveness to the ‘signs of the times’ in an evolving landscape. It seeks to be a valuable resource to parishes, pastoral areas, dioceses, religious communities and institutes, and faith-based agencies and organisations.

Rooted in the Catholic tradition and open to the work of the Spirit of God in the world, the Centre recognises and seeks to support and develop a wide diversity of callings and giftedness among the people of God. It is committed in the first instance to go out to the margins and engage comprehensively with contemporary culture.

It seeks to model communities of learning, research and liturgy and to empower partner organisations. The Centre is committed to peacebuilding, right relationships and dialogue with the other in the church and beyond.

The programmes delivered and associated with the centre foster these attitudes and values and are characterised by attention to service, theological reflection, human lived experience and the complex realities of the contemporary church in the world.

Your theology studies have the potential to shape both who you are and what you do, just as it did with me.

Alan Burke Head of Mission & Hospital Management Team, Bons Secours Group

Higher Diploma in Theological Studies (Blended Learning) / 2021
The blended learning model was fantastic. It made the course accessible to me living in the West of Ireland.

Trish Gallagher Higher Diploma in Theological Studies

Higher Diploma in Theological Studies (Blended Learning) / 2021
I was trying to find a course that would renew my qualifications and something that I would enjoy teaching. I was able to add on Religion with the teaching council as one of my subjects.”

Seamus Gannon Higher Diploma in Theological Studies

Being a student at St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth gives you a sense of purpose, belonging and direction.

Sinéad Hussey RTÉ Broadcaster

Jessie Rogers
We take seriously Jesus' challenge to be salt and light, recognising that we can only be so to the extent that our imaginations and actions are shaped by the Gospel. By taking seriously both academic and formational aspects, CMM programmes aim to equip people for effective ministry in church and society.”

- Jessie Rogers, Director of the Centre for Mission & Ministries, Lecturer in Sacred Scripture

Programmes on offer

What we offer

St Patrick's Pontifical University offers a range of internationally recognised part-time, full-time and blended learning programmes taught by leading theologians and philosophers from our beautiful, historic campus in Ireland's only university town. Diploma and Higher Diploma and Masters programmes offering specialised education and formation in the fields of Theological Studies, Pastoral Ministry, Healthcare Chaplaincy, Youth Ministry, Liturgy, and Liturgical Music.

Who are these programmes for?

Programmes within our Centre for Mission and Ministries appeal to a wide range of adults, from different ethnic, religious, vocational, and academic backgrounds. Teachers seeking to specialise in Theology; Priests and Religious pursuing ongoing formation and professional development; persons in caring professions - like Nursing, Social Work, and Youth Work – discerning a transition to faith-based ministry and chaplaincy; singers and musicians who wish to deepen their musical competency for the liturgical environment; those engaged in community- and youth-based ministries or administration who wish to upskill and gain a qualification to strengthen their professional practice. These programmes aim to support and develop a wide diversity of callings and giftedness. Our graduates gain proficiency in attending to the complexity of human experience, the challenges within our contemporary world, and the art of effective communication. They continue to make a valuable contribution to the communities and organisations within which they work, for instance in hospital, educational, and prison chaplaincy, journalism and broadcasting, and faith-based agencies and communities. If you are looking to reorient your profession, enrich your faith life, or develop your ministerial competency; if you are searching for a meaningful occupation that will enable you to serve others and make a difference in your local community; if you desire to integrate your faith with your life and work; or if you feel ready for the challenge of personal, spiritual, academic, and professional growth, you should consider a programme from our Centre for Mission and Ministries. Click here for Centre for Mission & Ministries Programmes.

The Centre for Mission and Ministries, seeks to support and develop a wide diversity of callings and giftedness among the people of God. We are forming youth ministers, healthcare chaplains, permanent deacons, liturgists, musicians, and pastoral ministers from Ireland and abroad. We are doing this in collaboration with an ever-expanding community of partners-in-ministry who provide supervised placement sites for our pastoral students. A concentrated focus on the practical element alongside an emphasis on theological reflection is a real strength of our pastoral programmes.

Programmes in:

  • Pastoral Theology
  • Healthcare Chaplaincy
  • Theological Studies
  • Pastoral Liturgy
  • Christian Communications & Media Practice
  • Liturgical Music
  • Youth Ministry & Spirituality
  • Diaconate Studies

Forming people in careers as:

  • Youth Ministers
  • Healthcare Chaplains
  • Permanent Deacons
  • Liturgists
  • Musicians
  • Pastoral Ministers
The Masters in Liturgical Music programme offers students an opportunity to engage more deeply with the music of the Roman Rite, from its roots in plainchant to its expression in a contemporary vernacular context, whilst developing their own particular skills as singers, organists or composers."

Dr John O’Keeffe Director of Sacred Music

The Diploma/Higher Diploma in Pastoral Liturgy is the oldest liturgy programme in Ireland. Now in a new blended learning format, it offers anyone interested a fantastic opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Church’s liturgy and to prepare for liturgical ministry."

Rev Dr Neil Xavier O'Donoghue Director of Liturgical Programmes; Lecturer of Systematic Theology

The suite of Pastoral Programmes offer a unique opportunity for SPPU students to integrate life and ministry experience with a deepening theological understanding. By engaging in Placement Education, Spiritual Formation, and various forms of supervision, students are encouraged to become formed in a habit of mind, heart, and style that integrates their academic learning with their faith and ministerial commitment in the world.”

Dr Aoife McGrath Pastoral Theology and Programmes

Check out our Centre for Mission & Ministries​ Prospectus for more information.

Helpful links

Studying at St Patrick's

How to Apply to CMM Courses

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Interested in applying for our courses? Find out all the information you need here.

Why St Patrick's Pontifical University?

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For the best of all worlds!

Part Time / Evening Courses

Icon Lifelong Learning

This page is dedicated to providing information on Part Time and Evening Programmes at the Pontifica...

Collaborative Programmes

Icon Postgraduate

The Faculty of the Pontifical University is committed to “broadening access in higher and continuing...

Occasional Studies

Icon Undergraduate

Applications are welcomed from candidates who wish to study at the Pontifical University on an occas...


Icon Lifelong Learning

Digital Catechesis directly to people where and when they need it.

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Centre for Mission & Ministries

Centre for Mission & Ministries

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.

Let’s talk

For Undergraduate queries: email admissions@spcm.ie.

For Postgraduate queries: email pgadmissions@spcm.ie.

For The Centre for Mission & Ministries queries, email: cmmadmissions@spcm.ie.