Collaborative Partners
Provision of Accreditation and Quality Assurance
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Our Partners
Within areas of study reflective of its mission, the Pontifical University desires to create a conducive teaching/learning environment, which provides access to students of different ages and backgrounds, and to achieving quality and excellence. As a result, the Pontifical University is committed to working in partnership with appropriate institutions and organisations in Ireland and abroad. It recognises the mutual benefits which arise from collaborative study programmes and the increased opportunities that such provision makes available to a wider range of students.
If you are an institution interested in developing a partnership, please contact:
Dr Jessie Rogers, Director of the Centre for Mission and Ministries
Our Collaborative Programmes

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.
Let’s talk
For Undergraduate queries: email
For Postgraduate queries: email
For The Centre for Mission & Ministries queries, email: