Tax efficient giving to Maynooth College
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Tax efficient giving to Maynooth College
The tax-efficient ways of making gifts are as follows:
Republic of Ireland: Make cheques payable to Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth.
- Payments of €250 or more are Tax deductible.
- St Patrick’s College can claim the tax paid on your gift of 31% regardless if you are a PAYE or Self Assessed taxpayer.
- Companies can still claim their donations as an allowable expense.
- Please download and return the Chy3 Enduring Certificate - this form valid for 5 years
Northern Ireland & UK: Make cheques payable to Maynooth Educational Trust.
- Maynooth Educational Trust will reclaim the tax you have paid on your donation at the standard rate of 25%.
- On receiving your donation, we will provide you with a Gift Aid Declaration which you will sign and return to us, to enable us to reclaim the tax.
- In addition, if you pay tax at the higher rate, you can reclaim the tax difference between the 40% that you have paid and the 25% rate.
U.S.A.: Make cheques payable to Irish Educational Development Foundation (IEDF).
- Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth receives tax-deductible support from US benefactors through the Irish Educational Development Foundation Inc.
- Gifts made to the IEDF are deductible for US income tax purposes. The IEDF fulfils its duties and obligations as a US tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.
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