Baccalaureate in Philosophy

The Baccalaureate in Philosophy (BPhil) is a full-time Level 8 award. The programme provides an opportunity to study Philosophy in the Christian and Western intellectual traditions.

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The Baccalaureate in Philosophy (BPhil) is a full-time Level 8 award. The programme provides an opportunity to study Philosophy in the Christian and Western intellectual traditions.


Applications to our BPhil degree programme are through CAO system at (MU004).

International applications are made through PAC; Click here

The programme aims to:

- Foster knowledge and understanding of key areas of Philosophy and the Christian Intellectual Tradition

- Develop the capacity to make informed, evaluative judgements about the arguments, approaches and methods within the different areas of the philosophical and Christian Intellectual Traditions

- Foster the skills of clear logical thought and presentation, careful analysis of ideas and imaginative deployment of argument

- To develop students' ability to fashion thoughts and concepts with precision, rigour and clarity to enable students to assess the source and nature of values

- Develop appreciation of some fruitful interconnections between Philosophy and other areas of intellectual thought

- Develop intellectual curiosity and the capacity for independent thought and critical reflection.

The programme comes in two modes:

(i) As a three year full time degree - 180 credits.

(ii) As a one year top up on philosophical study already undertaken art the undergraduate level. In particular the following pathways apply: Completion of the Higher Diploma in Philosophy and Arts or Diploma in Philosophy; Completion of a primary award in Philosophy alone or as a cognate subject (minimum of 50%)


Students undertake six 5 credit modules per semester. Details of class times and venues will be distributed via the centralised timetable portal on the University website.

Career Outcomes

As with many arts degrees, philosophy is not a directly vocational subject; rather it equips the student with a frame of mind and ability to apply himself or herself to any number of tasks. This intellectual flexibility is something highly prized by employers in both the private and public sector. Not only that, a primary degree in philosophy offers the student a foundation for graduate study either in philosophy should the student wish to pursue a masters and doctorate in the subject or in a related field. Typical careers of individuals with a primary degree in philosophy include: Teacher, computer programmer, financial analyst, civil servant, HR specialist, mental health therapist, law, journalism, politics.

On completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:

Knowledge (Breadth, Kind)

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the core theories, concepts and methods which underpin the discipline of philosophy.

2. Communicate a comprehensive knowledge of diverse theories and research findings across a range of philosophical subjects and thinkers.

Skills (Know-How, Range, Selectivity, Context)

1. Demonstrate mastery in philosophical analysis and critical evaluation.

2. Evaluate theoretical and historical work in order to formulate judgements and draw conclusions in various philosophical domains.

Competence (Role, Learning to Learn, Insight)

1. Demonstrate an ability to work independently on philosophical reading, analysis, and writing.

2. Demonstrate an ability to engage critically with others on a philosophically contentious issue.

3. Exercise personal responsibility in adapting knowledge and skills acquired to address novel questions and problems in varying contexts.

Course Structure

For those pursuing the BPhil as a three year programme, students will take the full cycle of philosophy modules offered at undergraduate level alongside the students undertaking the Diploma and Higher Diploma. In addition, BPhil students will undertake a suite of modules and extended essays in their third year designed to complement their modules already undertaken and to prepare them for possible postgraduate study in philosophy. For those pursuing the BPhil as a one year top up to a programme of study already undertaken, students will take a suite of modules from those offered by the Faculty of Philosophy in the relevant year; the choice of modules will complement those already undertaken in their previous studies.


The programme is a one year full-time award, designed to build upon study already undertaken in appropriate subject-areas and at an appropriate level. In particular, the following pathways apply:

  • Completion of the Higher Diploma in Philosophy and Arts/Diploma in Philosophy and Arts
  • Completion of a primary award in Philosophy alone or as a cognate subject (minimum of 50%)

Candidates are required to present for interview, either in person or by video link, before undertaking the programme.

Prospective candidates should contact the Pontifical University Office for further details.

Programme Level Learning Outcomes

By the end of this programme, graduates will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Demonstrate a detailed and systematic knowledge and understanding of key texts, events, doctrines, theories, interpretations and arguments relating to the study of Philosophy and the Christian Intellectual Tradition, at least some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of the disciplines
  • Show awareness of a range of approaches/interpretations where applicable

Intellectual and Cognitive Skills

  • Select and organise material from a wide range of complex primary and secondary sources
  • Demonstrate intellectual flexibility through the appropriate use of a range of methodological approaches
  • Conduct a detailed critical analysis of texts, theories or arguments
  • Construct a strongly sustained argument, which may also show the implications of the findings for further study of the subject

Practical and Transferrable Skills

  • Communicate clearly and concisely in written formats of varying types and lengths
  • Present well-structured thought orally
  • debate complex issues in an open-minded but rigorous way
  • abstract and synthesise relevant information from a range of sources including books, journal articles, library and internet resources
  • manage time and undertake tasks without assistance

Programme Structure

The programme is comprised of core and elective modules combined to a total 60 credits

  • Core Modules are designed to enable study in areas central to philosophy in the Christian tradition. They include Academic and Personal Philosophy, Major Essay, Readings in Philosophy in the Christian tradition.
  • Elective Modules open up the possibility of a holistic approach to the philosophical endeavour, such as, learning an academic language, praxis (volunteering) and theory (reflection), and taking courses from a suite of modules in Maynooth University or the Pontifical University. Such modules can only be chosen in consultation with the Dean of Philosophy.


Application Requirements

(Code - MU004)

For admission to the course a pass grade is required in five subjects of the Leaving Certificate or its equivalent.

Applicants under 23 years of age on 1st of January in the year of proposed entry must meet the matriculation requirements. Full details of entry requirements may be found on our website:

Applicants 23 years of age or over on 1st January in the year of intended entry who do not fulfil the normal matriculation requirements may apply for matriculation on the basis of mature years.

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.

Let’s talk

For Undergraduate queries: email

For Postgraduate queries: email

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