Undergraduate - Full Time |
3 Years |
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Course Start Date: |
September 2025 |
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The Bachelor's in Theology (BTh) is designed for students who wish to broaden and deepen their knowledge of the Christian faith.
The BTh is an immersion into the Christian intellectual tradition. Academically rigorous and intellectually engaging, this three-year full time degree provides students with a holistic formation in theology, especially within the Catholic theological tradition. Learners delve into all major theological subdisciplines, including but not limited to the study of Scripture, moral theology or ethics, and systematic theology. Students receive a grounding in philosophy, languages, and the history of Christian thought and culture.
Unique to this programme is a series of Primary Text Seminars in which students study classic theological texts from antiquity to the present day, and discover the perennial theological questions that have shaped Christianity over the centuries. In addition to leading to a Level 8 award, the programme is specifically designed to prepare students for further training in theology at postgraduate level.
“Among all human pursuits, the pursuit of wisdom is more perfect, more noble, more useful, and more full of joy.” (St Thomas Aquinas)
Career Outcomes
The study of theology affords graduates a range of employment opportunities. Like other areas of study, graduates of theology develop skills that transferable to a number of different areas. Graduates of the BTh specifically gain a unique insight into the development of theological and ethical ideas, and their consequences. Hence, typical careers among graduates are found within humanitarian, philanthropic, religious or other nonprofit, charitable organizations, where critical thinking, ethical perspectives, and interdisciplinarity are valued.
Some more concrete paths include:
Ministry and Pastoral Care (e.g., youth worker, guidance counsellor, therapist) Chaplaincy (e.g., school, university, healthcare) Teaching (primary, secondary, tertiary) Academy (higher education lecturer and researcher) Administration (school, parish, diocese, project management, etc.), Art and Media (e.g., publishing, journalism, radio, television, film, graphic design) Social Work and Community Development (e.g., NGOs, thinktanks, public policy) Public / Private Sectors (e.g., consultant, business, marketing, solicitor) Library Science (e.g., archivist, curator
Course Structure
Students in Year II of the BTh programme are required to take electives to the value of 2.5 credits from the following courses in order to attain the required 60 credits for the year:
A student may also take one of the following Biblical and Theological Language courses as an Elective and Special Course, with the permission of the Registrar in consultation with the Department of Sacred Scripture.
Students in Year III of the BTH programme are required to take electives to the value of 5 credits from the following courses in order to attain the required 60 credits for the year. Credits banked from earlier years will be taken into account.
Application Requirements
(Code - MU002)
Applications for Irish applicants are made through CAO; Click here
International applications are made through PAC; Click here
Application Procedure and Admission Requirements
The following are the requirements that must be fulfilled before being eligible for a place on one of our undergraduate courses – MU001 (Theology & Arts) or MU002 (Theology).
Age Requirements:
Students must normally have attained the age of seventeen years by 15th January following entry to the university. Where a candidate below that age seeks to enter the University, special application must be made to the University President, St Patrick’s Pontifical University.
Admissions Requirements:
Applicants under 23 on 1st January of the year of proposed entry must meet matriculation requirements as follows (see further down for GCE/GCSE matriculation requirements):
Leaving Certificate with a minimum of two recognised subjects at Higher Level Grade H7 and four at Ordinary or Higher Level Grade O6/H7.
Matriculation subjects: Irish, English and another language.
The subject Mathematics (Leaving Certificate Foundation level) will be accepted for matriculation purposes, but points will not be awarded for it.
The subject Gaeilge – Bonnleibhéal (Irish – Foundation Level) will not be accepted for matriculation or points purposes.
Other Course requirements:
Please note that there may be other course requirements, depending on the Arts subjects chosen in relation to the Theology and Arts degree (MU001). See page 10 of our 2014 Prospectus, under “Arts Subject Combinations” :
The following arrangements will apply to the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) Link Modules:
points will be awarded as follows: 70 points for a distinction, 50 points for a merit, and 30 points for a pass.
applicants will have the opportunity to use their points allocation for the Link Modules as one of their six subjects for the purposes of calculating points.
the Link Modules will not qualify as a subject for matriculation purposes.
Applicants who satisfy the above requirements are placed in order of merit on the basis of the common points system, and places are allocated according to the highest preference, in their application through CAO, to which their points entitle them.
Internal Transfers:
After the close of the CAO season (mid-October) first year students registered on one of our undergraduate degree programmes may apply for an internal transfer.
Applicants must:
complete an application form outlining the reason for the request.
meet the entry requirements for the course.
have the required points.
Application forms are available from the Admissions/Theology Office. There is no guarantee that a request for a transfer will be granted.
Applicants Presenting Qualifications other than the Leaving Certificate:
GCE/GCSE Matriculation Requirements.
To matriculate an applicant must obtain:
Passes in six recognised subjects at GCSE (Grade A, B, or C) or AS Level (Grades A-E) or A-level (Grades A-E)
Grade C or better in two subjects at A-level (AE or BD is regarded as equivalent to two Grade C’s for this purpose). In all cases, applicants require at least GCSE Grade C in English. In addition, passes in Irish and a third language at GCSE/AS Level/A-Level are required. However, eligibility for exemption from Irish may be claimed from:
The Registrar, National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.
Telephone: 00353-(0)1-439 2424
In the case of candidates from outside the Republic of Ireland (26 counties) who have applied for and been granted exemption in the subject Irish, Matriculation requirements may be satisfied by matriculating in English, Irish and four other subjects accepted for Matriculation Registration purposes, provided faculty requirements are otherwise satisfied. (This provision is relevant to students from Northern Ireland, and to other students from outside Ireland who present Irish as a subject).
Points will be calculated on the basis of:
4 subjects at A Level or
3 subjects at A Level or
3 subjects at A Level plus a different fourth subject at AS Level.
All subjects carry equal points and points for A-Level grades must be obtained at one sitting. The AS Level must be in a different subject to those taken at A-Level and may be carried over from the
previous year. Matriculation and course requirements may be satisfied by an accumulation of subjects over more than one year.
An additional 25 points will be awarded for one Grade E or better in A2 Mathematics – this will apply to one Mathematics subject only and only if the subject is used for scoring purposes.
GCE LC Points equivalence from 2010:
Grade A Level AS Level
A* 150 -
A 135 65
B 120 60
C 100 50
D 75 35
E 40 20
GCE LC Points equivalence prior to 2010:
Grade A Level AS Level
A* 145 65
B 120 65
C 100 60
D 75 50
E 40 20
Mature Applicants
Applicants 23 years of age or over on 1 January of the year of intended entry who do not fulfil the normal matriculation requirements may apply for matriculation on the basis of mature years. Mature students must apply through the CAO (www.cao.ie). All mature applicants are interviewed.
Further information
BTh Add-On Mode
Students holding a Diploma in Theology or equivalent may be admitted to the BTh programmes in Add-On mode. Candidates already holding a primary degree may be considered for the BTh Add-on-Mode at Honours Level. The specific courses to be undertaken in the major and minor subjects will be decided in advance on an individual basis by the Course Director in consultation with the Dean and the Registrar. The minimum duration of these programmes will be one academic year. Permission to extend the duration of studies must be sought expressly from the Faculty of Theology. Assessment will be by examination and course work.
Saint Patrick’s College provides a mentoring system designed as a support for First Year Students as they make their transition to University life. The mentoring system is co-ordinated by the Registrar of the Pontifical University. Students are encouraged to avail of this service, although it is not obligatory. Further information may be had from the Registrar at the Theology Office.
If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.
Let’s talk
For Undergraduate queries: email admissions@spcm.ie.
For Postgraduate queries: email pgadmissions@spcm.ie.
For The Centre for Mission & Ministries queries, email: cmmadmissions@spcm.ie.