Diploma in Pastoral Ministry

The Diploma in Pastoral Ministry (DPM) is awarded to students who have successfully completed a 2-year part-time programme devoted to the study of Pastoral Ministry.

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The Diploma in Pastoral Ministry (DPM) is awarded to students who have successfully completed a 2-year part-time programme devoted to the study of Pastoral Ministry.


Contact cmmadmissions@spcm.ie for any application queries

The purpose of the programme is to provide learners with a foundational theological grounding in the Catholic faith, to develop practical skills and competencies for designated ministries in a parish / pastoral area or diocesan setting and to form them as reflective practitioners for collaborative ministry

The aims of this programme are:

  • To equip lay pastoral ministers with a broad knowledge of the theological content of their faith.
  • To foster the development of a reflective approach to ministry thereby ensuring a fruitful meeting between faith and contemporary culture.
  • To deepen awareness and appreciation of the wide variety of the forms of ecclesial ministry, lay and ordained.
  • To form people in collaborative approaches to pastoral ministry
  • To enable candidates to acquire skills and resources that will sustain them throughout their ministry.

Career Outcomes

On completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:

  • MIPLO1. Demonstrate a broad understanding of theology as this relates to pastoral ministry.
  • MIPLO2. Display a specific knowledge of the theory, policy and practice of a specific area of ministry e.g. pastoral care and accompaniment; liturgy and prayer leadership; leadership and administration; or catechesis and adult faith formation.
  • MIPLO3. Engage with diverse sources to acquire new insights, integrating concepts from theology, psychology, community development and pastoral practice.
  • MIPLO4. Utilise the skills of theological reflection in the development of their ministry.
  • MIPLO5. Apply creative and conceptual skills and tools in pastoral ministry contexts including the relational skills needed to work collaboratively with others.
  • MIPLO6. Respond with flexibility to a wide and often unpredictable range of pastoral needs and challenges.
  • MIPLO7. Communicate pastoral and theological insights orally and in writing, adapting language and approach for diverse audiences in various pastoral settings.
  • MIPLO8. Express an internalised world view grounded in solidarity with others and exhibiting empathy and cultural sensitivity in pastoral relationships and ministry practices.

Application Requirements

Candidates for the programme are put forward by their Diocese after completing a discernment process within the Diocese.

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.

Let’s talk

For Undergraduate queries: email admissions@spcm.ie.

For Postgraduate queries: email pgadmissions@spcm.ie.

For The Centre for Mission & Ministries queries, email: cmmadmissions@spcm.ie.