Diploma in Philosophy & Higher Diploma in Philosophy

In the tradition of St Patrick's Pontifical University, Philosophy has always has always been highly regarded in its own right, as well as being an important preparation for studying other disciplines.

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In the tradition of St Patrick's Pontifical University, Philosophy has always has always been highly regarded in its own right, as well as being an important preparation for studying other disciplines.


The Diploma in Philosophy and the Higher Diploma in Philosophy have been designed by the Pontifical University to provide a rich introduction to the field and history of philosophy, while also introducing students into the kind of critical thinking that is beneficial for other disciplines.

Diploma in Philosophy is a full time Level 7 award

The Higher Diploma in Philosophy is a full time Level 8 award aimed at those who currently possess a third level qualification.

The Faculty of Philosophy at SPPU offers a suite of modules designed to cover all aspects of philosophical life.

There are modules which are offered annually primarily to first year students, with the exception of the academic and personal reflection offered exclusively to second year students.

There are then modules which are offered cyclically. The modules in Cycle A are offered in an even numbered year (e.g. 2020/21 is in Cycle A). The modules offered in Cycle B are offered in an odd numbered year (e.g. 2021/22 is in Cycle B).

See Course Structure for an overview of our modules.

Upon completion of the Diploma/Higher Diploma students may apply for the Bacclaureate in Philosophy.

Career Outcomes

  • TBD - TBD

Application Requirements

Diploma in Philosophy (Code - MU102)

For admission to the course a pass grade is required in five subjects of the Leaving Certificate or its equivalent: three of these must be academic subjects in the Maynooth University matriculation syllabus.

Higher Diploma in Philosophy (Code - MU103)

The course is open to any student who satisfies the entry requirements, viz. a third level qualification in any subject or combination. Applicants must have completed an Honours or Ordinary Bachelor Degree.

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.

Let’s talk

For Undergraduate queries: email admissions@spcm.ie.

For Postgraduate queries: email pgadmissions@spcm.ie.

For The Centre for Mission & Ministries queries, email: cmmadmissions@spcm.ie.