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About Us
Most of Chaplaincy involves sharing in the journey of students and the journey of the university. Whether it is around campus, at events throughout the academic year or within the Chaplaincy office in Room 49 in the Arts Block, Chaplaincy offers a friendly, non-judgemental ear to anyone who wants it. Throughout life in university, Chaplaincy is here for those of all faiths and none.
Life in university can be tough and not always as we imagine it. Sometimes it’s hard to speak to those directly around us but we need to talk to someone. The Chaplain’s door is always open for anyone who needs to talk. Whatever the topic, the Chaplain will always offer a friendly, non-judgemental ear to those who want it. Maybe talking to the Chaplain is not enough and you need more help. Either way, if we can’t help, we know somebody on campus who can.
Part of life in university is sharing in the faith community that is our fellow students and staff. The Chaplain can help you integrate into these communities. Chaplaincy is always keen to get to know the vast arrays of groups on campus but above all, it’s in our contact and interaction together that we can create a strong community. It is this community that can be a real source of strength and nourishment as you journey through life on campus.
“As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. These words of faith inspire us to care and respect one another. Sharing in concern for others in need within society, the environment, themes under social justice including human rights is part of the role of Chaplaincy. Chaplaincy is here to nourish and facilitate this compassion and we encourage you to not only feel concern but take action where possible on campus within various societies and acts of charity.
Life at university brings many questions around life. For many of us it’s the first time away from home and our ideas on life, faith and meaning can be awakened properly for the first time. Chaplaincy offers you a safe space to explore these ideas and ask those questions whatever they are. The Chaplain does not have the answers but can journey with you while you come to your own conclusions.
Where to find us (Click Here for Map)
Room 49 Arts Block, North Campus
9am-5pm Monday-Friday
Tel: 01 708 3469
Mob: 087 148 2196
Find us on Facebook: @MUChaplaincy
Other Contacts
Rev. Janice Aiton
(01) 825 3288 e-mail:
Rev. Andrew Dougherty
Tel: (01) 668 0833
Rev. Keith McCrory (01) 505 4990
01-4956889 see website address on calendar

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.
Let’s talk
For Undergraduate queries: email
For Postgraduate queries: email
For The Centre for Mission & Ministries queries, email: