An International Reputation
With a global reputation, SPPU is proud of its truly diverse community of staff and students from across the world.
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As a student of St Patrick’s Pontifical University, you will be joining an international community of students and leading academics carrying forward these 220+ years of tradition in the highest-quality teaching and research.
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Our International Students
Student Supports
The Student Health Centre is located in the Student Services Centre on the North Campus. It is a confidential service available to all registered students. For further information on service and opening hours please visit
The numerous sports clubs, together with easy access to excellent on-campus facilities, provide quality opportunities for students to get involved in social, cultural and sporting activities. Facilities include:
Indoor: Three sports halls, fitness centre, free weights room, physical therapy room, racquet-ball court and snooker room. The sports halls provide a venue for most of the indoor clubs practice and competitions, along with aerobics and fitness sessions.
Outdoor: There are five playing fields on the south campus. On the north campus there are three high-quality sand-based turf playing fields, facilitating inter-varsity home games in Gaelic football, Hurling, Soccer, Camogie, Ladies Gaelic football and Rugby. To facilitate club training sessions and internal competitions, there is a FIFA regulation size 3G floodlit synthetic pitch.
Sports Programs: There are over thirty sports clubs active on campus. The clubs are mostly student-run, but several are assisted by professional sports development officers. Facility management and fitness programs are provided by the Sports Department.
The Library is a key resource for students. A team of dedicated staff provide all students with a high quality service in a friendly and student-centred environment. The library offers space for eight different learning styles, from the collaborative to totally silent spaces. Staff are always on hand to deal with any queries students may have. The eBook collection and almost 50,000 journals can be accessed by registered students via the web from anywhere in the world. Kindle readers are available to borrow and PCs and laptops are available throughout the library.
More information about the library can be found at
The Residence Office offers a comprehensive service to students of the University. Accommodation is available in apartments, hostels, lodgings and private rented houses. Preferential status will be given to Theology students seeking campus accommodation. To express your interest in campus accommodation please email
For more information, please go to
The Academic Advisory Office functions as a convenient first point of contact for students who wish to seek advice or assistance with their general experience of university life. The office provides an ombudsman-like role for students who may be encountering difficulties in their programme of study.
The mission of the Academic Advisory Office is to provide high quality academic advice and guidance to enable all students to reach their full academic potential. Academic Advisors are here to help you to explore, identify and achieve your academic goals and to become an independent, self-directed learner and decision maker.
The office is an open, welcoming and inclusive environment that nurtures and empowers all students through its programmes, services and initiatives.
The Career Development Centre provides a service that is student focused, professional and informative offering information, advice and guidance on areas such as career options, further study and employment opportunities. We encourage you to make use of our resources throughout your time at university, and to begin working on your career plans early on.
We offer:
• Career presentations
• Drop-in Helpdesk daily
• One-to-one guidance meetings with a careers adviser
• Career Development Centre Website ( useful resources including information on generating career options, getting into your chosen career, tips on job-search and interview techniques, job listings, sample CVs and online Careers Interest Tests.
• Careers Information Room with free takeaway material.
• Graduate recruitment/employer activities, including on-campus presentations and information stands.
For further information on the Career Development Centre, visit
The Student Counselling Service is a professional counselling service provided on campus to all registered students of the University. The Service is strictly confidential and is free of charge.
Counselling offers a confidential space to discuss in private any concerns that may be impacting on your academic performance or personal health and well-being.
All contact with the Service is by appointment only. If you would like to speak with a counsellor please contact us by telephone on +353 (0)1 708 3554
We are located on the Top Floor of the Student Services Centre and can offer a face-to-face appointment or a phone consultation depending on your circumstances. Self-referral is welcomed and encouraged.
A voluntary mentoring service exists for first year students. It is a resource that is intended to facilitate the student’s transition from second level to third level education. The mentor will provide advice and encouragement on one’s overall approach to and organisation of one’s first year studies.
Maynooth University Crèche is a modern, purpose-built crèche in the heart of the north campus, located next to Rye Hall. We care for children aged 1 year to school going age. We are Tusla registered with qualified staff. ECCE and NCS schemes available for qualifying parents. Tel: +353 (0)1 708 3319.
Designated permit parking is now compulsory in the University. Permits may be purchased online. Visit our parking page for more info.
The Chaplain is available in the Arts Block in the North Campus and offers appointments and drop-in facilities. Chaplaincy is here to support you, offering a friendly non-judgemental ear whenever needed and is here for those of all faiths and none. Chaplaincy organises weekly & monthly events to facilitate student engagement & build community. If you’re interested in getting involved, please email or call +353 (0)1 708 3469 for more information.
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Our Faculty
An engaging learning environment in a historic campus. Small class sizes and friendly lecturers giv...
Join the largest Catholic Theological Postgraduate Community in Ireland and UK
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Useful Information
Find out all the information you need here, including a Step-by-Step Guide to our application process.
Recognised Prior Learning
SPPU accepts applications for both recognised prior learning (RPL) and recognised experiential prior...
Example of Cost of Living in Ireland
Estimated Cost of Living for Students Renting Accommodation for 12 months
How to Apply?
Interested in applying for our courses? Read More in our Step-by-Step Guide to our application proce...

Find out more about Erasmus and check which institutions are partners

Rev. Dr. John-Paul Sheridan
Acting Dean of Theology; Director of Education Programmes; Erasmus+ EU Programme Coordinator; Lecturer in Systematic Theology; Lecturer in Religious Education and Catechesis
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