Module Level
Time Allowance
24 lectures
Continuous Assessment 40% (Tutorials 20%; Quizzes on Readings 20%); Essay and Exam 60%
Module Aims
- To understand more fully the sources of morality available within the Christian tradition
- To critique the ways in which we make moral decisions and consider some of the factors affecting human decision-making
- To demonstrate the relevance of the Christian moral message in today's world
- To consider the application of the above to specific moral issues such as war and peace, climate change, incarceration and punishment, racism, and end-of-life medical decision making
- To be able to integrate this within a broader theological framework, with particular reference to the other theological modules covered in semester one.
Learning Outcomes
- — Be familiar with the sources of moral wisdom used within the Catholic tradition, including Scripture, Tradition/Magisterium, Reason, and Experience.
- — Identify the major approaches to moral decision making
- — Display an understanding of the key historical moments in the renewal in Catholic theological ethics
- — Apply the above to specific issues such as war, climate change, incarceration and punishment, racism, and end-of-life medical decision making
- — Read and critique the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on racism.
- — Dolores L. Christie, Moral Choice: A Christian View of Ethics (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2013).
- — Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Samaritanus Bonus [On the Care of Persons in the Critical and Terminal Phases of Life], 2020. Available at
- — Pope Francis, Laudato Si [On Care for Our Common Home], 2015. Available at:
- — Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti [On Fraternity and Social Friendship], 2020. Available at:
- — Patrick T. McCormick and Russell B. Connors, Jr., Facing Ethical Issues: Dimensions of Character, Choices & Community (New York: Paulist Press, 2002)
- — United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love [A Pastoral Letter Against Racism], 2018. Available at