Module Level
8 (Undergraduate)
Time Allowance
Lectures - 12 hours
Module Aims
This module is part of a twofold introduction to preaching and presiding, which is at the heart of the liturgical life of the Church. It contains both academic and practical dimensions.
- To understand the importance of preparation in preaching and presiding.
- To introduce the students into the concept of presiding in the liturgical assembly, with an emphasis on non-Eucharistic celebrations, e.g. sacraments of baptism and of the sick; prayers services and paraliturgical celebrations.
- To understand the homily in the liturgical context.
- To assist the students in writing short reflections, and homilies for non-Eucharistic celebrations.
- To assist the students in learning to preside at the liturgy and develop an Ars Celebrandi (Practicum).
- — Congregation for Divine Worship, Homiletic Directory (2015)
- — Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (2013)