Tobias Winright, Professor of Moral Theology, was one of two ethicists nominated to stand for election to vice president of the Society of Christian Ethics during its annual meeting in Chicago on 9-12 January. As a "non-denominational scholarly association, the Society of Christian Ethics draws its 950 members from the faculties of universities, colleges, and theological schools primarily from the United States, Canada, and Europe." Although the other nominee, Gary Dorrien, the Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary and Professor of Religion at Columbia University, was elected, Winright's nomination contributes to SPPU's vision to become "recognized globally." Winright previously served the SCE as co-editor of the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics and as a member of the SCE board.
Prof Tobias Winright nominated to stand for election to vice president of the Society of Christian Ethics
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Posted 14th January