Publications from each faculty member can be found on their individual pages. In addition, the following publications are hosted on Campus.
Irish Theological Quarterly
The Irish Theological Quarterly (ITQ) is a refereed journal of systematic, moral, and historical theology, and of sacred scripture, founded in the Pontifical University at St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth. It is committed to the advancement of constructive and critical scholarship in these areas and welcomes to its pages theologians from the international forum. Whereas its primary emphasis is on classical and contemporary theological issues, it also invites contributions from ancillary disciplines, such as philosophy, classical studies, and the social sciences, inasmuch as they have a direct bearing on theological reflection. Rooted in the Catholic tradition, the ITQ aims to be a place of discussion that is informed by this tradition, but it encourages equally an ecumenical and interfaith exchange in its presentations. The editor is Dr Suzanne Mulligan.
The ITQ features:
- Articles by leading theologians who are international experts in
- their respective fields
- A forum for young theologians to publish their research findings
- Competent book reviews to keep readers informed about the current
- state of scholarship in theology, biblical studies, church history
- and cognate disciplines
- Commentary on intellectual developments that are of theological
- interest
The Furrow
The Furrow is a monthly journal for the contemporary Church. It enjoys an international reputation as a courageous and impartial forum for discussing the challenges facing the Church today and of the resources available to meet them. The Furrow was founded in 1950 at St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth by the late J G McGarry, a Professor at St Patrick's, and it continues as a vibrant voice for renewal of the Church across the world. The editor is Dr Padraig Corkery.
Over nearly sixty years, its contributors include:
- Cardinals: Daly, O’Fiaich, Danneels, Kasper, Suenens
- Theologians: Karl Rahner, Gabriel Daly, Rosemary Haughton, Enda McDonagh, Nicholas Lash, Mary Grey
- Political Leaders: Mary Robinson, Mary McAleese, Garret FitzGerald, John Reid
- Writers: Seamus Heaney, Mary Gordon, Michéal O Siadhail.
Intercom is a pastoral and liturgical resource magazine published by Veritas Group, an agency of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Commission on Communications. There are ten issues per year, including double issues for July-August and December-January. Correspondence for the editorial board should be sent to the Chairperson, c/o Columba Centre, St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth, Co Kildare.
Maynooth Theological Journal (MTJ)
The Maynooth Theological Journal (MTJ) is a biannual journal that provides a scholarly forum for students to share their theological work and research interests. This journal, which was founded in 2010, originates from the difficulties that students may experience in attempting to bring their academic work to a wider audience. This refereed journal, which is a companion to the Irish Theological Quarterly, acts as a forum for students to develop their theological studies. The MTJ aims to equip students with the requisite skills for future publication in more established academic journals.
Archivium Hibernicum
Archivium Hibernicum is a refereed history sources journal, published annually by St Patrick’s Pontifical University and the department of modern history, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. It is the official organ of the Catholic Record Society, founded in 1911. The first issue of Archivium Hibernicum appeared in 1912, edited by James MacCaffrey (1875-1935), professor of ecclesiastical history in St Patrick’s Pontifical University Maynooth. Since 1973 it has incorporated the proceedings of the Irish Catholic Historical Committee and since 2001 it has published archival material produced by the Irish in Europe Project in the department of modern history, NUI Maynooth.

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