Dr Andrew Meszaros
Dean of Postgraduate Studies; Lecturer in Systematic Theology
TheologyContact Details
Email: andrew.meszaros@spcm.ie
Phone: +353 (0)1 708 3498
Office: 10 Dunboyne House
Research Interests
- POSTGRADUATE SUPERVISION: I welcome enquires from prospective postgraduates who would like to research aspect of 19th-20th historical-systematic theology. These include but are not limited to: the development of Catholic theology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Aquinas and his interpreters and influence in the same period; pre-conciliar movements and debates on ecclesiology, eschatology, and fundamental theology (e.g., doctrinal development); neo-scholasticism and the nouvelle théologie; and the thought of John Henry Newman and the Oxford Movement.
- CURRENT PROJECTS: I am currently working on two monographs. The first is on the so-called 'theology of history' debates that dominated Catholic theology from the 1930's up until the Second Vatican Council. The second is on the soteriological significance of dogma.
Highlighted Publications
“Extra Ecclesiam nulla Salus and Doctrinal Development.” International Journal for Systematic Theology 24 (2022): 100–121
“Newman and the Thomistic Tradition: Convergences in Contribution to Development Theory.” Nova et Vetera (English Edition) 19 (2021): 423–468
“Newman’s University and the Philosophical Habit of Mind.” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 24 no. 2 (2021): 42–72
“Cardinals Newman and Scheffczyk on the Development of Dogma.” Rivista Teologica di Lugano XXV no. 3 (2020): 411–437
“The Body of Christ the Teacher: The Church’s Prophetic Office.” Angelicum 96 (2019): 203–236
“Ecclesia docens et cogitans: Doctrinal Development and the Illative Sense of the Church.” Newman Studies Journal 15 (2018): 5–28
“Newman and First Principles: The Noetic Dimension of the Illative Sense,” The Heythrop Journal 59 (2018): 770–782
“Some Neo–Scholastic Receptions of Newman on Doctrinal Development.” Gregorianum 97 (2016): 123–150.
“The Mystery of the Ascension and the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar.” Antiphon 19 (2015): 243–264.
“Vatican II as Theological Event and Text according to Yves Congar.” Josephinum Journal of Theology 22 (2015): 78-92.
“Newman and First Principles: The Noetic Dimension of the Illative Sense,” The Heythrop Journal, published online (2015), DOI: 10.111/heyj.12259. Hardcopy forthcoming.
“The Thomistic Underpinnings of Ad Gentes,” Nova et Vetera 13/3 (2015): 875–901.
“Revelation in George Tyrrell, Neo–Scholasticism, and Dei Verbum.” Angelicum 91 (2014): 535–568.
“Congar and the Salvation of the Non–Christian,” Louvain Studies 37 (2013), 195–223.
“The Influence of Aristotelian Rhetoric on J.H. Newman’s Epistemology,” Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 20 (2013): 192–225.
“The Regressive Method of Ambrose Gardeil and the Role of Phronesis and Scientia in Positive and Speculative Theologies,” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovaniensis 89 (2013): 279–321.
“‘Haec Traditio proficit': Congar's Reception of Newman in Dei Verbum, Section 8.” New Blackfriars (Spring 2011): 247–254.
Andrew Meszaros completed his BA in Philosophy and Theology at Boston College (2007). He completed Masters degrees at the University of Oxford (2009) and the Catholic University of Louvain/KU Leuven (2010), where he later completed his doctorate (2014). He spent one year doing postdoctoral research at the University of Vienna (2015-16) before coming to Maynooth.
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