Dr Luke Macnamara OSB
Lecturer in Sacred Scripture
TheologyContact Details
Email: Luke.Macnamara@spcm.ie
Phone: +353 (0)86 2717937
Office: Room 21, Ground Floor, Dunboyne House
Research Interests
- Characterisation in the Gospels and Acts (Paul, Holy Spirit, Women)
- Jesus and the Toll Collectors
- Jesus the Teacher in Luke-Acts
- The Bridegroom Motif in the Gospels
Highlighted Publications
“Levi’s Call (Luke 5,27-28): an Embodiment of the Paschal Mystery.” Biblica 104/1 (2023) 78-92.
“Raising the Victim of the Good Samaritan Parable: a Scriptural Reflection.” In Maynooth College Reflects on Facing Life’s End: Perspectives on Death and Dying. Dublin: Messenger Press 2022.
"Characterisation in the Gospels and Acts: A review of recent studies." Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 41-42 (2018-2019) 44-59.
"La figura di Paulo nel libro degli Atti" in L'Opera Lucana (Vangelo di Luca e gli Atti degli Apostoli) Seminario per Studiosi di Sacra Scripture Roma 21-25 gennaio 2019. e-biblicum 5. Gregorian Biblical Press, Rome. Pages 249-294.
“A Costly Sacrifice (Gen 22),” in Luke Macnamara and Martin Browne, eds., The Glenstal Companion to the Easter Vigil, (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2019), 42-55.
“The Open Tomb and the Well Spring of Life,” in Luke Macnamara and Martin Browne, eds., The Glenstal Companion to the Easter Vigil, (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2019), 148-160.
"Levi's Banquet: A Model Eucharist", Worship 92 (2018) March, 14-25.
"How the wind blows? God's role in human origins and humanity's response: Qoh 11,5" Biblische Notizen 152 (2012) 67-86.
"Sulla Regola della Comunità 1QS in confronto con la Regola di san Benedetto", Vita Monastica 65 (2011) 5-23.
Review of Bonnie Thurston. Saint Mary of Egypt: A Modern Verse Life and Interpretation. Irish Theological Quarterly 88/1 (2023) 95–96.
Review of Paulo Costa. Scoppiò Un Grande Tumulto’ (At 19,23-40): Efeso, La ‘Via’ e Gli Argentieri: Studio Esegetico e Storico-Giuridico.” Irish Theological Quarterly 87/3 (2022) 237–40.
Review of Brendan Byrne, SJ. Come to the Light: Reflections on the Gospel of John. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 84/4 (2022) 685-686.
Review of Andrew Byers. John and the Others: Jewish Relations, Christian Origins, and the Sectarian Hermeneutic. The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 84/4 (2022) 682–83
Review of Nina Henrichs-Tarasenkova, Luke's Christology of Divine Identity (LNTS 542; London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2016): Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 41-42 (2018-2019) 98-100.
Review of C. Clifton Black, The Lord’s Prayer. Interpretation. Resources for the Use of Scriptures in the Church (Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2018): The Furrow 70/9 (2019) 509-510.
Review of A Benedictine Reader 530-1530. Edited by Hugh Feiss OSB, Ronald E. Pepin, and Maureen O’Brien (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2019): The Furrow 70/7-8 (2019) 447-448.
Review of Gladys Ganiel, Unity Pilgrim. The Life of Fr Gerry Reynolds CSsR. (Dundalk: Redemptorist Communications, 2019): The Furrow 70/7-8 (2019) 443-444.
Review of Timothy wiarda, Spirit and Word: Dual Testimony in Paul, John and Luke(LNTS 565; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017): Catholic Biblical Quarterly 81/2 (2019) 347-348.
Review of David J. McCollough. Ritual Water, Ritual Spirit. An Analysis of the Timing, Mechanism, and Manifestation of Spirit-Reception in Luke-Acts (Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2017): Biblica 99/4 (2018) 611-614.
Review of Odette Mainville, The Spirit in Luke-Acts (Woodstock, GA: The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship, 2016): Catholic Biblical Quarterly 80/3 (2018) 532-533.
Review of Sean Goan, The Sign. Reading the Gospel of John (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2018): The Furrow 69/9 (2018) 515-516.
Review of Stanley E. Porter. John, His Gospel, And Jesus. In Pursuit of the Johannine Voice (Grand Rapids, MI / Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 2015): Irish Theological Quarterly 83/1 (2018) 102-104.
Review of James D. G. Dunn, Neither Jew Nor Greek. A Contested Identity. Christianity in the Making: Volume 3 (Grand Rapids, MI / Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 2015): Irish Theological Quarterly 82/3 (2017) 351-353.
Review of R. Bauckham, Gospel of Glory. Major Themes in Johannine Theology (Grand Rapids, Michigan 2015): Irish Theological Quarterly 81/3 (2016) 321-323.
Review of The New Testament and the Church. Essays in Honour of John Muddiman. (Ed. John Barton and Peter Groves) (LNTS 532: London 2016): The Furrow 67/6 (2016) 379-381.
Review of: Thomas J. F. Stanford, Luke's People. The Men and Women who met Jesus and the Apostles (Eugene, OR: 2014): Irish Theological Quarterly 81/1 (2016) 111-112.
“The Review and Preview Function of the Summary of Jesus' Ministry in Acts 1:1” at the AGM of the Irish Biblical Association, Loyola Institute, Trinity College Dublin, 18 February 2023.
"Characterisation in the Gospels and Acts: A review of recent studies" Address at the AGM of the Irish Biblical Association, Loyola Institute, Trinity College Dublin, 16 February 2019.
"The figure of Paul in the Book of Acts." Address at the Seminario d'Aggiornamento at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome on 25 January 2019.
"The 3Rs of Exceptional Care." Address at the Mindfulness in the Workplace Conference at University College Cork on 22 September 2018.
"Levi's Banquet: a Model Eucharist." Address at the annual meeting of the Irish Bishops' Council and Committees for Liturgy at St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland on 17 November 2016.
"Mercy in Action: the Parable of the Good Samaritan." Address to the Irish Catholic Doctors' Learning Network. May 2016.
"A Study of the Community Rule (Qumran 1QS) and a Comparison with the Rule of Benedict". Address at the Monastic Institute Study Day at Collegio Sant'Anselmo, Rome on 6 May 2010.
"The Wedding at Cana: A Biblical Meditation." The Furrow 73/11 (2022) 620-627.
"Do Not Lead Us Into Temptation: Jesus in the Desert" The Furrow 71/3 (2020) March 143-150
“Jacob the Dreamer: Plotting the Coordinates of Life with God,” Scripture in Church 197/1 (2020) January-March 120-127.
"At the School of Mary and Elizabeth" The Furrow 70/12 (2019) December 70-77.
"Martha and Mary: Rivals or Partners?" The Furrow 70/11 (2019) November 596-602.
"Moses and the Heroines", Doctrine and Life, 69/4 (2019) April 26-36.
"The Three Rs of Exceptional Health Care - A Benedictine Perspective", The Furrow, 69/12 (2018) December 651-659.
"The Long Shadow of the Cross", Doctrine and Life, 68/10 (2018) December 33-45
“Homilies for October” The Furrow, 69/9 (2018) September 494-499.
"Proverbial Patience: The Paradox of Job", Doctrine and Life 67/5 (2017) May-June, 47-57.
"Mercy in Action: the Parable of the Good Samaritan", Catholic Medical Quarterly 66/4 November 2016.
"Unexpected Guests at the Birth of Jesus", Doctrine and Life 65/10 (2015) December, 2-14.
Member of the Irish Biblical Association since 2015
Member of the Catholic Biblical Association since 2016
Member of the Society of Biblical Literature since 2017
- Monk of Glenstal Abbey, professed in 1999.
- Undergraduate studies at the Institute Catholique de Paris (BD)
- Graduate studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and Jerusalem (SSL and SSD).
- Medical Doctor.
- Undergraduate studies at University College Dublin (MB BCh BAO)
- Graduates studies in General Practice (MICGP)
- President, National Association of General Practice Trainees (1996-1997)
- Teacher and Learning Support Coordinator, Glenstal Abbey School (1999-2001, 2005-2008)
- Member, Taskforce on Dyslexia (2000-2001)
- Lecturer in Sacred Scripture (2015–present)
- Member, Irish Biblical Association (2015–present)
- Member, Catholic Biblical Association of America (2016 – present).
- Member, Society of Biblical Literature (2016–present).
- Catholic Medical Association, Ireland (2015–present).
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