Part Time / Evening Courses

For Personal Interest or Professional Development

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Studying part-time/evening/weekend courses at St Patrick's

Studying part-time at St Patrick's Pontifical University lets you get on with your life or career while you learn.

You can choose from a wide range of modules in a number of disciplines, working towards one of our awards.

Part-time study is flexible. You can tailor your learning to fit around you life, commitments and career.

You may also be interested in taking a short course in a topic. Please take a look at the short courses available here.

M  Ormonde
It is true what is said that if you are studying something you love it is half the battle. I will be forever indebted to all my fellow students and all my lecturers and tutors, without whose help I could not have achieved so much.

- Michael Ormonde. Alumnus of St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth.

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Canon Law

Canon Law

Centre for Mission & Ministries

Centre for Mission & Ministries

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.

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