Recognised Prior Learning
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SPPU accepts applications for both recognised prior learning (RPL) and recognised experiential prior learning (RPEL). SPPU is in alignment with the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 and Ireland’s National Skills Strategy 2025, where the University has committed to develop and implement a standardised system of accreditation of prior learning taking account of previous education, skills, work experience and engagement in society. QQI's core statutory quality assurance guidelines also require that SPPU policies and procedures for learner admission, progression and recognition include fair recognition of education and training qualifications, periods of study and prior learning, including the recognition of non-formal and informal learning. In this way SPPU’s ethos enables flexible learning pathways.
From an admissions perspective, whilst there are normally defined academic entry requirements for university programmes, it is appropriate that SPPU has mechanisms to allow entry to applicants who do not meet the normal requirements, but who are, for other reasons deserving of admission.
Recognition of prior learning is when formal recognition is given for relevant learning already obtained prior to starting on a programme or module. That learning may have been attained through or in a formal, non-formal and informal experience or context.
There are three defined routes of access through RPL to SPPU;
1. Direct entry to first year: Learners can commence a programme of study at SPPU, based on learning outcomes which identify the knowledge, skill and competence required to enter.
2. Advanced entry to a programme of study in cases where a learner can demonstrate that they already achieved the learning outcomes associated with all modules for the stage or year for which they are seeking an exemption.
3. Granting of exemptions or credits for all types of learning.
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