Module Level
Time Allowance
Lectures: 24 hours, Tutorials: 3 hours. Assignment: 15 hours. Private study: 60 hours.
Elements and Forms of Assessment: Class Participation and Continuous assessment: 15% Essay: 25% End of semester examination: 60%
Module Aims
Aims: The aim of the module is to introduce students to the mystery and mission of the Church.
Texts to be read (include, but are not limited to):
1) Mystici Corporis
2) Lumen Gentium
2) Selections from other documents from the Second Vatican Council (e.g., Ad Gentes)
3) Selections from the Church Fathers and Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae
Learning Outcomes
- — Outline the structure and content of Lumen Gentium.
- — Provide data from Scripture and Tradition from whence the following major ecclesiological themes are developed: Body of Christ Bride of Christ Temple of the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit as ‘soul’ of the Church) People of God
- — Draw relationships between the major ecclesiological themes above.
- — Draw relationships between the mysteries of the Church, the Eucharist, and Mary.
- — Discuss the relationship between the Church’s visible an invisible dimensions.
- — Identify the origin and destiny of the Church.
- — Distinguish between the dual aspects of the Church as meansto and reality of salvation.
- — Explain in-depth what it means to say that: The Church is a sacrament The Church is a communion The Church is missionary by its very nature
- — Identify and elaborate on the ‘properties’ of the Church.
- — Identify and elaborate on the Tria Munera Christi and give examples of how both hierarchy and lay faithful participate in them.