Book Launch – Missed Treasures of the Holy Spirit

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Posted 20th May


A new volume in the CBQ Imprints series was launched on May 16th at St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth, in the presence of five of the Irish contributors.

The volume, entitled Missed Treasures of the Holy Spirit - Distinctive New Testament Pneumatologies, was edited by Jeremy Corley and Jessie Rogers.

Among the book’s 14 contributors, there are six Irish scholars: Jonathan Burroughs, Gordon Campbell, Luke Macnamara, Brian Nolan, and both editors. Other contributors come from USA, Canada, Spain, and Germany.


The launch featured three guest speakers. Séamus O’Connell (St Patrick’s Pontifical University) explained the volume’s origin in a Maynooth research project. Niall Coll (Bishop of Ossory) set the volume in the context of the Church’s teaching on the Holy Spirit. Finally, Daniele Pevarello (Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin) emphasized the volume’s significant focus on the diversity of portrayals of the Spirit in the New Testament documents.

The volume is published by Wipf & Stock for CBQ Imprints: