Boyne Valley Tour: Newgrange & Knowth

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Newgrange & Knowth, County Meath

Newgrange & Knowth

Newgrange is a 5,200 year old passage tomb located in the Boyne Valley in Ireland's Ancient East

Newgrange was built by Stone Age farmers, the mound is 85 meters (93 yards) in diameter and 13.5 meters (15 yards) high, an area of about 1 acre. 
A passage measuring 19 meters (21 yards) leads into a chamber with 3 alcoves. The passage and chamber are aligned with the rising sun at the Winter Solstice
Newgrange is surrounded by 97 large stones called kerbstones some of which are engraved with megalithic art; the most striking is the entrance stone

Newgrange was built by a farming community that prospered on the rich lands of the Boyne Valley.Knowth and Dowth are similar mounds that together with Newgrange have been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

The fee for this trip including entry and transport is €25 

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