Selected books published by SPPU theologians and philosophers since 2020:
T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Ethics, ed. Tobias Winright (New York: Bloomsbury, 2021).

We Remember Maynooth – A College across Four Centuries, ed. John-Paul Sheridan and Salvador Ryan (Dublin, Messenger Publications, 2020).

Christmas and the Irish: a Miscellany, ed. Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Wordwell, 2023).

A Companion to Richard FitzRalph: Fourteenth-Century Scholar, Bishop, and Polemicist, ed. Simon Nolan and Michael W. Dunne (Leiden: Brill, 2023).

The Center is Jesus Christ Himself: Essays on Revelation, Salvation, and Evangelization in Honor of Robert P. Imbelli, ed. Andrew Meszaros (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2021).

Reforming the Church: Global Perspectives, ed. Declan Marmion and Salvador Ryan (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2023).

Collected Articles on the Existence of God, by Gaven Kerr (Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones Scholasticae, 2023)

Finitude’s Wounded Praise: Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien, ed. Philip John Paul Gonzales and Joseph Micah McMeans (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2023).

Cornelio Fabro, Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas: Thomist Metaphysics and Modern Thought, transl. Joshua Furnal (Chillum, MD: IVE Press, 2022).

Ben Sira’s Teaching on Friendship (2nd ed.; Providence, RI: Brown Judaic Studies, 2020).

Maynooth College Reflects on Facing Life’s End: Perspectives on Dying and Death, ed. Jeremy Corley, Aoife McGrath, Neil Xavier O’Donoghue, and Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Messenger Publications, 2022).

Maynooth College Reflects on COVID-19: New Realities in Uncertain Times, ed. Jeremy Corley, Neil Xavier O’Donoghue and Salvador Ryan (Dublin: Messenger Publications, 2021).

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