Dr Jessie Rogers
Director of the Centre for Mission and Ministries / Lecturer in Sacred Scripture
TheologyContact Details
Email: jessie.rogers@spcm.ie
Phone: +353 (0)1 708 3360
Office: 4 Dunboyne House.
Research Interests
- Ancient and modern readings of the book of Job
- Synodality
- Biblical Spirituality (Psalms and Prophets)
- Godly Play and the theology and spirituality of childhood
- Scripture and Social Justice
- Biblical themes in Irish Stained Glass
“Synodality: Some Scriptural Perspectives on Communio, Peripheries and the Sensus Fidei,” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 441 (Spring 2022), 13-25.
'Karl Rahner on Childhood,' Irish Theological Quarterly 86/2 (8 March 2021), https://doi.org/10.1177/0021140021995908.
‘Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land (or how to pray when our world falls to pieces),’ Maynooth College Reflects on Covid-19. New Realities in Uncertain Times (Dublin: Messenger Publications 2021): 91-101.
“Theology and Translation Technique in the Old Greek Version of Job 28,” Towards a Theology of The Septuagint, ed Johann Cook and Martin Rősel (Atlanta GA: SBL Press, 2020): 201-223.
“To Tear Down and to Build Up: insights from Jeremiah for the Irish Church,” The Furrow 71/2 (February 2020): 75-81.
“Discovering God in the Desert,” in Luke Macnamara and Martin Browne, eds., The Glenstal Companion to the Easter Vigil, (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2019), 71-84.
"The Honan Chapel's St John Window: Journey of the Beloved Disciple," in Salvador Ryan and Liam M. Tracey (Eds.),The Cultural Reception of the Bible. Explorations in Theology, Literature and the Arts, (Dublin: Four Courts Press 2018), 240-248.
"Women in Church Leadership Roles," The Furrow (July/ August 2018): 407-413.
"Where is Wisdom to be found and how do we apprehend her?" Septuagint, Sages and Scripture: Studies in Honour of Johann Cook, Randall X Gauthier, Gideon Kotze and Gert J Steyn (Eds) (Vetus Testamentum Supplement Series 172. Leiden: Brill, 2016), 84-107.
M. Hayes and J. Rogers, “Lost in Translation” Irish Arts Review (Winter: Dec 2012 to Feb 2013), pp 128-131.
“Testament of Job as an Adaptation of LXX Job”, Text-critical and Hermeneutical Studies in the Septuagint, J. Cook and H.-J. Stipp (eds). (Vetus Testamentum Supplement Series 157 (Leiden: Brill, 2012) pp. 409-422.
2010-11 “Filling in the Gaps: ‘Faithful’ readings of the book of Job”, Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 33-34 (2010/11), 36-54.
Rogers J and Kareithi S. “The shame of men is at their backs: The gender implications of discrepancy between proverbial wisdom and the Law,” Journal for Semitics 15/2 (2006), 385-405.
Kareithi S, Mash R and Rogers J., “Transformation within the HIV/AIDS Context: Lessons from Fikelela Initiative in the Diocese of Cape Town,” Transformation Journal. An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 22/2 (2005), 106-114.
Review of Blessed among Women? Mothers and Motherhood in the New Testament, by Alicia D Myers, Journal for the Study of the New Testament 41/5 (August 2019): 9.
Review of Finding God in a Leaf: The Mysticism of Laudato Sí, by Brian Grogan, The Furrow (June 2019), 376-377.
Review of Reading the Gospels with Karl Barth, ed. Daniel L.Migliore, Journal for the Study of the New Testament 40(5), (August 2018): 150.
Review of Tribals, Empire and God: A Tribal Reading of the Birth of Jesus in Matthew's Gospel, by Zhodi Angami, Journal for the Study of the New Testament 40(5) (August 2018): 35.
"Broadening Our Approach to Sacramental Theology," Review of Sacramentality Renewed: Contemporary Conversations in Sacramental Theology, by Lizette Larson-Miller, Doctrine and Life 67/10 (December 2017): 50-61.
"Wisdom for the Synodal Journey," Doctrine and Life 72/6 (July-August 2022) 2-10. [Also published in Bullettin UISG 178 (2022) 39-45] Text of address to the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) Plenary Assembly, Rome, 5 May 2022.
“To Tear Down and to Build Up: A prophetic path through grief to hope for the Irish Church,” The International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology, Bratislava, 29 August 2019.
“The Lectionary: Reading Scripture with the Church” Glenstal Liturgical Conference, Living Stones: Celebrating 90 Years of Monastic Life, 20 Oct 2017.
"That all may be free," Doctrine and Life 68/2 (2018): 43-47
Kareithi, S, Rogers J, Bowers N and Herman W, Transformation through Economic Assistance, International Institute for Development and Ethics, 2005. http://www.iide-online.org/doc...
“Discerning: Learning a New Art Together,” Limerick Diocesan Synod 2016: A Camino of Hope in the Spirit of Truth, Ed. Karen Kiely and Eamonn Fitzgibbon (Veritas, Dublin: 2022) 49-52.
“Homilies for July,” The Furrow (June 2019), 361-365.
"That all may be free," Doctrine and Life 68/2 (February 2018), 43-47.
“We Three Kings of Orient Are …” Reality (December 2016), 32-33.
“Scripture and the Art of Remembering Well,” The Furrow 67/3 (Mar., 2016), 149-153.
“Our Comfort Zone and the Tower of Babel,” The Furrow 65/12 (Dec 2014), 606-610.
Treasurer and Executive Committee Member, Irish Biblical Association
Subject External Examiner, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Psychology and Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Waterford Institute of Technology, 2014-2018.
Undergraduate studies at the University of Natal, Durban (BSc 1989) and Bible Institute of South Africa (LTh 1992); Graduate Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Stellenbosch (M.A. 1994; D.Phil 2000). Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Cornerstone Christian College, Cape Town (2000-2007) and Mary Immaculate College, Limerick (2007-2014). Concurrent lecturing roles at University of Stellenbosch (2000-2001), George Whitefield College (1997-2007), Baptist Theological Seminary (1998-2004), Cape Peninsula University of Technology (2007) and Dominican Biblical Institute, Limerick (2008 to 2014). Research Fellow, University of Stellenbosch (2012-present); Godly Play trainer; Treasurer and Executive Committee Member of the Irish Biblical Association, South African Society for Near Eastern Studies and European Society for Catholic Theology, Member of the Steering Committe for Ireland's Synodal Journey.
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