Prof. Séamus O’Connell
Professor of Sacred Scripture / Course Director for Higher Diploma in Theological Studies
TheologyContact Details
Email: seamus.oconnell@spcm.ie
Phone: +353 (0)1 708 3600
Office: 11 Dunboyne House
Research Interests
- Identification and exploration of redactional features in the Gospel of Mark as keys to the Gospel’s composition history and theology.
- Narrative Pneumatology in the Synoptic Gospels, in particular the Gospel of Mark
- Lectio Divina and Scripture in the Pastoral Life of the Church
- The Synoptic Problem and its significance for the Gospel Interpretation
Highlighted Publications
“Lectio Divina: The Challenge in the Academic Setting” in Bernard Treacy, alii (eds), Reading Scripture for Living the Christian Life, [Doctrine and Life 59 (2009)], 32–46.
- “St Joseph and the Future of the Irish Church” The Furrow (68) 2017: 158–65
Lectio Divina and the Transformation of Theological Education.
“Unbarring the Doors.” The Furrow 64 (Sept 2013):
Priest of the Diocese of Kerry, ordained in 1982. Undergraduate studies in Maynooth (BSc and BD); graduate studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome (SSL) and in Fribourg (DTheol). Chaplain, Millstreet Community School, Co. Cork (1986–89); Director of Scriptural Formation for the Diocese of Kerry (1992–1998). Lecturer in Sacred Scripture, 1998, appointed Professor 2006. Chair, Committee on Scripture Use, National Bible Society of Ireland (1996–2015); President, Irish Biblical Association (2002–2005); Member, Catholic Biblical Association of America (2009–present); Member, Irish Episcopal Committee for Theology (1999–2016); Member, Consultative Committee for the Study of Near Eastern Religions, RIA (2005–2009); Convenor, Workgroup on Theology in Higher Education (2005–2009); Member, Program Committee, Catholic Biblical Association of America (2009–16); Member, Executive Board, Catholic Biblical Association of America (2016–18); Representative the Irish Episcopal Conference for the Catholic Biblical Federation (2011–present). Co-ordinator: Southern and Western European Subregion, CBF (2013–2015); Member of CBF Executive Committee (2015–present).
Links and Other Interests
- Bible Odyssey | People and Places of the Bible (Society of Biblical Literature)
- WiBiLex (Online Biblical Lexical in German | German Bible Society)
- Lectio Divina Resources
- Lectio Divina Group Page (PDF File)
- The Text this Week
- New Jerusalem Bible Online
- Oremus Bible Browser
- The Aleppo Codex
- David Steindl-Rast OSB ~ The Heart of Gratefulness
- Dead Sea Scrolls Online (Digital Dead Sea Scrolls)
- CBA: http://www.catholicbiblical.or...
- CBF: http://www.c-b-f.org
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