Rev. Dr Pádraig Corkery
Lecturer in Moral Theology / Acting Director Pastoral Theology
TheologyContact Details
Email: padraig.corkery@spcm.ie
Phone: +353 (0)1 708 3506
Office: 5 Dunboyne House
Research Interests
- Contemporary issues in bioethics and Catholic Social Doctrine.
Bioethics and the Catholic Moral Tradition, Dublin, Veritas, 2010.
Companion to the Compendium of Catholic Social Doctrine, Dublin, Veritas, 2007.
Theology in the University: The Irish Context (Editor) Dominican Publications, 1997.
Ecology as a Moral Issue: An Ongoing Journey in Enda McDonagh [Editor], Performing the Word, Columba Press, 2014
“Discovering the Gospel of Life: The Role of Scripture in Moral Reflection” in Brendan Leahy and Séamus O’Connell (eds), Having Life in his Name (Dublin: Veritas, 2011), 41 –58.
‘Christian Discipleship and Catholic Social Doctrine’ in Gearoid Dullea (ed.), Deacons: Ministers of Christ and of God’s Mysteries. Dublin: Veritas, 2010.
‘The Challenge to Re-imagine the Goals and Ethos of Economic Activity.’, Doctrine and Life 58 (2008): 4-10.
'Beyond the Terri Schiavo Case’, The Furrow 59 (2008): 67-76.
'Bio-ethics and contemporary Irish moral discourse’ in Amelia Fleming (ed.),Contemporary Irish Moral Discourse. Dublin: Columba Press, 2007.
'Reproductive Technologies: An Irish contribution to an international debate.’ The Furrow 56 (2005): 353-7.
‘Bishop Daniel Cohalan of Cork on Republican Resistance and Hunger Strikes: A Theological Note’, Irish Theological Quarterly 67 (2002):113-124.
‘The Use of Embryonic Stem Cells’, The Furrow 53 (2002):24-34.
Priest of the Diocese of Cork & Ross, ordained in 1981.
I pursued undergraduate studies at UCC (BSc) and the Gregorian University, Rome (STB). Graduate studies were undertaken at the Pontifical University,Maynooth (STL) and the Catholic University of America (STD). I worked in my home Diocese of Cork and Ross as a Curate in Togher Parish (‘82-‘83) and in the Cathedral Parish (‘86-‘88) before my appointment as Chaplain at University College, Cork (‘88-’98). While in Cork I was the Diocesan Lecturer in Medical Ethics (‘86-’98) and a lecturer in and adviser to the Cork & Ross Diocesan Adult Religious Education Programme (‘90-’98). I also taught the Moral Theology modules on the Higher Diploma in Religious Education [Education Department, UCC] for over a decade.
I was a member of the Irish Commission for Justice and Peace (1993–2001) and was Chairman of that Commission from 1997 to 2001.
I joined the Faculty of Theology in 1998 and since then I have held the following posts of responsibility;
Director of Postgraduate Studies, 2003-2009.
Dean of the Faculty of Theology March 2009- 2015.
Head Department of Moral Theology 2006 - 2022.
Acting Director, Pastoral Theology 2016 -Present
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