Key social documents

The Specifically Christian Understanding of God as Triune

"Abrahamic" Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam

"Dharmic" Religions: Hinduism, Jainsm, Buddhism and Sikhism

A developing ecclesiology: the Ecclesiology of Communion

A new beginning for a Gospel: the infancy narrative

A Succession of Empires: Geography and History of the Biblical World

A World within Worlds: the Bible and its surrounding Cultures

Aspects of secular thought and religion will be outlined.

Beyond Words: Prayer and Silence - meditation, contemplation, and the 'Language' of God'

Bible and Morality

Bible Came to BE: the Biblical Cannon and its Importance How

Bioethics and the civil law

Body and Heart: the Human Person in a biblical perspective

Characteristics of Ministry exemplified in Jesus.

Christ, Covenant, Sin and Conversion

Christian Vocation of Discipleship.

Church and its relationship to the Kingdom.

Communion and Mission.

Contemporary approaches to religious education

Contemporary issues facing the faith-filled celebration of the sacraments today

Critique of the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872)

Current Questions in Christology

Defining religion

Discourses and Beatitudes

Divine Revelation



Enduring to the End: the energy and hope to persevere in prayer

Euthanasia and the right to die

Exploring Revelation and its Transmission in Scripture and Tradition

Exploring the Biblical Foundations for Spirituality

Faith and Reason

Faith development in the secondary school

Group reflective practice on pastoral situations.

Human Experience and the Experience of God

Integrating Theology, Morality and Spirituality

Interpretation of the 19th century experience of the Catholic Church.

Istigh linn féin - habitare secum (dwelling with oneself - St Gregory the Great): prayer and the discovery of our true selves;

Jesus and the Trinity

Jesus: a person of prayer and master of prayer;

Key social documents

Laudato Si and religious education for environmental awareness

Leadership in Christian community and the practices of ministry.

Learn then the Parable? (Gen 24:32): the Dynamics and Power of OT and NT Parables

Magisterium, leadership and roles in the Church.

Matthew among the Synoptic Gospels

Matthew's characters: God, Jesus , Disciples and Sinners

Ministry and Processes of a Parish Pastoral Council.

Miracles in the Gospel of Matthew

Models of Church.

Ordinary and extraordinary medical treatments

Parables and Riddles of the Kingdom

Parish and the pastoral activity of the Church.

Philosophical theological responses to secular thinking will be considered.

Prayer - a quest for the living God

Prayer - a response to the realities of life: the Psalms as a school of prayer;

Prayer and Sacramental Life

Psalms: Original Contexts and Christian Rereading

Religions of East Asia

Reproductive technologies

Rite and ritual: a secular-belief/sociological assessment of the sacraments

Sacred and profane: Identity, Worship and Law in the Ancient near East Sacred and profane: Identity

Scripture and Lection: The proclaimed Bible of the Synagogue and the Churches

Spirituality and its Contribution to Human Development

Spirituality and the reflective practitioner in the classroom

Spirituality for a Post Modern World.

Spirituality for Everyday life

Taking Incarnation Seriously: embodied prayer;

The Abraham Story: Call, Covenant and Akedah

The birth of the 'Jesus Movment'

The Book of Job: The Problem of Suffering

The central principles of Catholic Social Teaching such as justice, common good, preferential option for the poor, subsidiarity

The central principles of Catholic Social Teaching such as justice, common good, preferential option for the poor, subsidiarity

The Centrality of Relationships

The Christian God

The Christological Councils

The Councils of Jerusalem and Nicaea

The David Story: Anointing, Covenant, Sin and Forgiveness

The Doctrines of Creation, Incarnation, and Redemption

The expansion of Christianity in the early centuries

The fundamental principles of bioethics

The Holy Spirit: the life and the power of all prayer

The Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate Religious Education programmes

The Marian and Petrine Principles of the Church

The Moses Story 1: Call, Revelation of the Divine Name and Passover

The Moses Story 2: Exodus, Decalogue and Covenant

The Mystery of Jesus Christ

The nature of catechesis

The Origin of the Church.

The Passion Narrative

The philosophical issues which arise within the contemporary 'God debate' in connection with the theory of Evolution and theories concerning the make-up and origins of the universe

The philosophical problem of evil will be examined as it presents a major challenge to belief in an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-good God.

The principles of Catholic sacramental theology.

The production and use of embryonic stem cells

The Prophetic Legacy 1: Amos and Justice

The Prophetic Legacy 2: Isaiah and Hopes for the Davidic Line

The Prophetic Legacy 3: Jeremiah and the Fall of Jerusalem

The Prophetic Legacy 4: Second-Isaiah and the Figure of the Servant

The Quest for Authenticity

The Reformation and Counter Reformation in Ireland

The role of the arts in religious education

The role of women in church and society

The role of women in church and society

the scriptural foundations of Christian liturgy

The Scriptures - a sacrament of the Word of God;

The Word of God: approaches and models;

Theological Anthropology: The Christian Vision of Humanity

Theology and Church

Theology of God

Thus says the Lord. . . : Seers and Prophets, Visions and Justice in the Bible

To acquaint students with contemporary issues in Christology

To explore the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the nucleus of New Testament Christology

To identify key features of revelation in the Old and New Testaments and in the tradition, culminating in the Vatican II document, Dei Verbum

To introduce students to the theology of divine revelation and faithd

To introduce students to traditional and contemporary issues relating to discours about God

To present the history of Christology through the Councils of the first millennium

To tease out the implications of Christ as the fullness of revelation

Towards a Christian Understanding of the Person

Trace secular thinking from the 19th century to Post-modernism.

Twenty-First Century questions to First Century Gospels

Who's Who in the Bible an Introduction to the Key Characters in the Bible

Why did Sarah laugh? (Gen 18:3): Appreciating Biblical Narrative and its Art

World Religions - a useful paradigm or not?

Worlds: the Bible and it's surrounding Cultures A World within